A message from Griffins Lacross President:
My name is Stephanie and I am the President of the Gloucester Lacrosse Association. I would like to extend an invitation to your players to come and give Lacrosse a try. The GLA is holding *FREE* Try Lacrosse sessions on February 24, March 3, 10, 24 and 31, from 6-7pm at the Carlsbad Springs Community Centre.
Try Lacrosse Information
Hockey Recruit Poster
Interested players should register here.
Given the undeniable cross-over and skills benefit to playing BOTH hockey/ringette and lacrosse (see attached resource) and recognition of the value of being a multi-sport athlete, we encourage and thank you for circulating this invitation to all of your coaches, players and families.
Please reach out if you have any questions -- we look forward to seeing you!
Yours in Griffins Lacrosse,