ShareBody Contact Clinics for Bantam and Midget Players
It is mandatory that all Minor Bantam (non-goalie) players (and all Midget and Bantam players who have not already done so) attend a contact session before their tryout. This article contains all the information you need about the clinics this year.Attention Bantam and Midget players
It is mandatory that all Minor Bantam (non-goalie) players attend a contact session before their tryout. Players who are trying out at the Midget and Major Bantam ages who have not previously attended a contact clinic with us in the past are required to attend one of the sessions below prior to their try-out. There are three contact sessions:
- Friday August 23rd, 19:30 - 20:20 at Minto on Lancaster (last names A-L)
- Friday August 23rd 20:30 - 21:20 at Minto on Lancaster (Last name M-Z)
- Tuesday September 3rd 19:00 - 19:50 at Grandmaitre
Frequently asked questions:
Q. My last name starts with the letter N and my son can't attend the 20:30 session can he attend the 19:30 session?
A. Yes, we split the groups in a effort to balance the players over two hours so that we don't have one big group and one small group.
Q. My Son is only trying out for B, which session does he attend?
A. He can attend the last session on September 3rd or is free to do one of the sessions on the 23rd and a session on the September 3rd. As long as he attends one before his try-out that is all that matters.
Q. My Son is unable to attend the Contact clinc on Aug23rd and wants to still tryout for AA, can he still try-out?
A. Contact your liaison to determine how to proceed.