ShareCOVID-19 Update (June 2020)
This article provides an update on the status of the 2020/21 Season.
Please click on the link to read the full article.We hope that you and families are staying healthy.
Return to Play
At this time we do not have any further insight as to when or how next season will unfold.
As previously announced, HEO has formed a return to play committee, with representatives from various Minor Hockey associations within the Branch. The Ottawa Sting is working closely with the District B reps to help shape the return of hockey.
Sting has also formed a return to play working group to evaluate and suggest return to play options for our association. Our committee is led by John Lavecchia, should you have any questions or suggestions he can be reached at
Due to the ongoing pandemic and state of emergency, it was not possible for us to hold our AGM in May as contemplated by our consitution.
We will hold the AGM once we are allowed to have public gatherings. We expect, at this time, to hold the AGM in August or September. All Executive committee members have agreed to stay in their current positions until the AGM can be held. The list of positions up for election will be provided when we announce the date for the AGM.
In a normal season, registration would open on or around June 1st. As you know, registration is a two step process first with your home association then with Sting.
We are working with the House Leagues on the timing for the opening of registration. There are many moving parts and things are changing rapidly. As soon as we know when registration will open, we will let you know.
As always should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact any member of the Sting Executive. The president, Warren Fisher, can be contacted by email (president@ottawasting.com).