ShareOSMHA Annual General Meeting
OSMHA Annual General Meeting
Wednesday November 4th @ 7pm
Virtual - Details to follow
The Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey Association is holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday November 4th, 2020 at 7:00 pm. It is expected to be held virtually, with details following up shortly on how to participate. One vote will be permitted per registrant.
The AGM is a forum for the Executive Board to report to the members on the running of the Association and for members to express ideas, concerns, comments, or questions.
At the AGM, proposed alterations to the OSMHA Constitution and By-Laws will be voted upon. Notice of proposed alterations must be received by the VP Admin (secretary@ottawasting.com), in writing, by Wednesday October 7th.
The following Sting Executive positions are up for election for the 2020-2021 season:
President, VP Coaching, VP Risk and Safety, VP Discipline, Registrar, Associate Registrar, Ice Director, VP Admin, and VP Communications
Written nominations or expression of interest to stand for election for positions up for election must be received by the VP of Communications (vp.communications@ottawasting.com) by 6:00 PM on October 21st .
Due to the current situation, and the AGM being held later this year, the following Sting Executive members were voted in and appointed to fill opened positions. They will be up for election at the AGM:
President – Tina Hill
VP Risk & Safety – Denis Staples
VP Communications – Julie Kinnear
Registrar – Fiorella Padoin-Castillo
Associate Registrar – Kerry MacDonnell
VP Admin – Allison Burnett
The proposed revisions to the Constitution and the slate of candidates standing for office will be made available to members 12 days in advance of the AGM.
It is important for members of the Association to attend the AGM, get involved and make your vote count. We look forward to seeing you virtually!
The OSMHA Executive