ShareSting COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan & Return to Play
Please review the attached Ottawa Sting Return to Hockey and COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan documents.Good afternoon,
As our Sting teams are now returning to the ice, Denis Staples - VP Risk & Safety, has worked closely with Ottawa Public Health and followed HEO Return to Play guidelines to create the Ottawa Sting Return to Hockey and COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan documents. They have been approved by the Executive, attached for your review, and will be saved in the Risk & Safety section of the website.
Please note that the information in these documents is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey Association makes no representation and assume no responsibility in respect of their information concerning COVID-19 as the circumstances are constantly changing, and any information on COVID-19 should be obtained from Ottawa Public Health.
As Provincial Legislation and Public Health requirements are continuously evolving these documents will remain fluid and all updates to the documents will be published on the website in the Risk and Safety section.
Thank you,
Your Sting Executive