Hockey Associations across Bytown District have put in place health and safety protocols, processes and emergency response plans that respect Ottawa Public Health (OPH) municipal and provincial rules and regulations. These protocols are key to making our program work.
With the latest announcement by the Province today, Ottawa is returning to a modified version of Stage 2 of its Emergency orders. For Minor Hockey, that means that we are returning to a modified version of Stage 2 of our hockey program, the Return to Ice.
This means that no scrimmages or games are permitted during our ice times for at least the next 28 days. Practices and physical distancing will continue as per the plans of our Association. 25 players can be on the ice and one spectator (mandatory mask wearing) per player can also enter.
We know that this has been and continues to be a stressful time for so many given the rising case count and the return to school. The protocols and plans in place are help us to mitigate risks as much as possible.
This is why it is mandatory that we ask everyone to accurately complete health screening questionnaires prior to arrival at the rink. This information is vital to maintain records and for contact tracing.
If anyone (player, volunteer or spectator) is showing any symptoms identified by OPH,
please stay home. Your health and the safety of others is something we take seriously and must maintain. We all have a responsibility to each other as a community.
Following health and safety protocols will help us keep our program going week after week. Given the psychological and physical benefits of sport to our children, it would be a heavy blow for many if the opportunity to have some sort of normal activity was no longer available.
We commit to sharing information and updates regularly to let you know how we are doing. Transparency and opportunities for questions and comments are essential to making our program successful. If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Denis Staples, the Vice President of Risk & Safety at
Volunteers have been working on the return to hockey for several months and everyone is doing their best with so many unknowns and changing variables. As things change, we will share information and we will all learn as we move through the season. Information can also be found on our website as well as our District site:
We all want a safe and fun season and we look forward to working together to achieve this goal. We are including an article that speaks directly to the mental health benefits of team sports when done in a safe and distanced manner.
Happy thanksgiving and stay well.
Your Sting Executive