ShareProtocols for Return to Hockey January 2022
With return to play starting January 31st, please be aware of the following protocols:
Precautionary Principle: If players or family members are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please stay home. Please do not take any risks. We would rather a player miss a game out of an abundance of caution rather than have ... With return to play starting January 31st, please be aware of the following protocols:
- Precautionary Principle: If players or family members are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please stay home. Please do not take any risks. We would rather a player miss a game out of an abundance of caution rather than have multiple players be out for weeks.
- Mandatory QR Codes: All participants, 12 years of age and older, must have their unique QR code in their posession while attending Ottawa Sting sanctioned activities. The City of Ottawa now requires contract holders to screen facility attendees with a QR code. The City of Ottawa states: “All residents, age 12 years and older, will be required to use Ontario’s enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code to show proof of vaccination. The certificate can be shown either on their hand-held device or printout. Those with a medical exemption will also need to use the QR code certificate as of January 10. People from outside Ontario must follow the Province of Ontario’s instructions on providing their proof of vaccination. Valid identification must show a participant’s name and date of birth and has been issued by an institution or public body. Photo identification is not required. The app to scan QR codes can be downloaded from covid-19.ontario.ca. Data is not required to use this app and it does not store personal information. Please continue using your existing tracking process while adding the new enhanced QR code and the Verify Ontario app for all individuals 12+ attending your booking.”
- Masks: Any person who enters or uses the facility (or when waiting in line outside the facility) other than when actively participating in a sport or fitness, must wear a mask, properly, at all times.
- 50 Percent Capacity: Dressing rooms and spectator areas will be at 50 percent capacity. There will be extra seating outside dressing rooms in some arenas.
- Food/Drink: No food/drink in spectator areas. Exceptions for water/drink for those participating in sport only.
- Other Precautions: Consider having players arrive dressed to the extent possible. Limit time in the dressing room before and after ice-times. Masks should be worn up to the time players go out to the ice, and replaced after.