ShareHEO Educational Bursaries 2021-22
Applicants must be graduating from high school in 2022 or be enrolled in a post-secondary institution. If you are graduating from high school in 2022, you must be pursuing a career requiring further education or training (e.g. university, college, trade school etc.).
Complete the application form and forward it ... ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Applicants must be graduating from high school in 2022 or be enrolled in a post-secondary institution. If you are graduating from high school in 2022, you must be pursuing a career requiring further education or training (e.g. university, college, trade school etc.).
Complete the application form and forward it with the required attachments to the HEO office to the attention of Hailey Perreault via mail or email at hperreault@hockeyeasternontario.ca.
All applications must be received by HEO no later than 11:59 PM on June 3, 2022. Late or incomplete applications (a missing attachment will be considered as an incomplete application) will not be considered. The successful applicant will be announced on June 30, 2022. The decision will be made by HEO and will not be subject to review. The recipient’s name and photo will be posted on the HEO website and social media.
Please refer to the Educational Bursary Application Form for the 2021/22 season http://www.hockeyeasternontario.ca/pages/players/bursaries.htm.
Do not hesitate to contact Hailey with any questions or concerns.
Hailey Perreault
Membership Services Coordinator HEO