ShareTry-out Schedule Update
Try-out schedules: Try-out schedules and Pathways conditioning ice schedules are available through the calendar in the
Master Schedule tab of the Sting website -- Please select the August to September date range of the calendar, and then select your age cohort (for example U12AA and U12B). – It is possible that additional ice-times will be added, or adjustments made, so please continue to check your emails and the calendar. The liaison for each cohort will be in communication with you.
Sting Meet the Coach and Try-out Jersey Handout Night is Wednesday August 16, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, at the Canterbury Community Centre. – This is an opportunity to pick up try-out jerseys and get your questions answered about try-outs and/or our association. Players who are new to the Sting, or who have otherwise ordered replacement try-out jerseys, should either attend or have someone pickup their jerseys. As a reminder, you must have both a black and a white tryout jersey with matching numbers that have been assigned to you by the Sting for tryouts (Goalies only require one jersey). All remaining jerseys will be made available 30 mins prior to your first try-out session.
Contact Clinics: Contact Clinics for U14 players, and any U15, U16 or U18 players who have not played contact or done a contact clinic in the past, are scheduled for
August 24th from 6pm to 8pm at Ottawa U. Assignments will be provided on the website and through email.
Please contact the
executive liaison for your age cohort if you have any questions about try-outs.