Share2023-2024 Ottawa Sting Annual General Meeting: May 14, 2024, 7pm, Jim Durrell
The Ottawa Sting Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in-person at the Jim Durrell arena (Ellwood Hall). We will be drawing prizes for free tryouts from attendees at the AGM!
If you are interested in joining the executive please reach out a member ... The Ottawa Sting Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held on
Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in-person at the Jim Durrell arena (Ellwood Hall). We will be drawing prizes for free tryouts from attendees at the AGM!
If you are interested in joining the executive please reach out a member of the current executive or email president@ottawasting.com. The following positions are open for election at the AGM:
• VP Finance (Treasurer)
• VP Coaching
• VP Risk and Safety
• Associate Registrar
• VP Administration
• Equipment Director
Written nominations must be received at president@ottawasting.com by 6:00 pm on April 30, 2024. Nominations cannot be accepted from the floor at the AGM.
Each player on a Sting team for the 2023/2024 season has one vote at the AGM. The player is to be represented by a parent or legal guardian at the AGM for voting purposes. It is important for members of the Association to attend the AGM, get involved and make your vote count.
Executive Positions Open for Election - Descriptions
Vice-President (Finance)
The Vice-President (Finance), within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA shall
- Act as a signing officer for the OSMHA
- Submit, for the approval of the Executive Committee, a budget for the coming hockey season no later than August 1st.
- Be responsible for all banking.
- Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements.
- Provide a monthly statement showing income and expenditures, and variance form the established budget.
- Prepare a financial report prior to the end of the season and arrange for an inspection or audit of the books and records in time for the Annual General Meeting.
- Obtain a liability insurance policy covering all officers, coaches and managers of the OSMHA.
Vice-President (Coaching)
The Vice-President (Coaching), within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA, shall
- Chair the Committee of Coaches
- Establish and chair the Coaches Selection Committee
- Recommend any necessary upgrading of the coaching skills for the coaches under the OSMHA
- Present to the Executive Committee on behalf of the Coaches Selection Committee, the slate of coaches selected for the next hockey season
- Recommend to the Executive Committee any disciplinary action which may be necessary with respect to any coach under the jurisdiction of the OSMHA
- Manage, in collaboration with the Registrar, player affiliation and movement
- Oversee the adherence of OSMHA team guidelines
- Provide direction to the Association’s Coach Mentor and Director of Player Development.
- Participate in the Association’s Discipline and Appeals Committee.
Vice-President (Risk and Safety)
The Vice-President (Risk and Safety), within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA, shall
- Manage the overall safety of the hockey operations for OSMHA
- Coordinate police record checks of all volunteers in the association
- Participate in the Association’s Discipline and Appeals Committee, and lead hearings relating to off-ice incidents.
- Manage the Association’s system of registering team risk and safety information.
- Perform other duties as prescribed by the executive.
Associate Registrar
The Associate Registrar, within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA, shall
- Work with the Registrar on the division of registration duties
- Work with the Registrar to ensure the proper registration of all players
- Work with the Registrar to ensure that all team rosters are accurate and up to date
- Work with the Registrar to ensure that all team officials have the necessary certification
- Manage, in collaboration with the Vice-President Coaching, player affiliation and movement
- Work with the Registrar to provide reports to the Executive Committee on registration and team data.
Vice-President (Administration)
The Vice-President (Administration), within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA, shall
- Record minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting
- Manage the records of the Association, in collaboration with the Vice-President (Communications).
- Ensure that appropriate notification is given for meetings
- Perform other duties as prescribed by the executive.
Equipment Manager
The Equipment Manager, within the jurisdiction of the OSMHA, shall
- Manage, establish inventory control and distribute all equipment for all Association teams.
- Organize the annual team-wear procurement process.
- Chair the Equipment Committee.
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee on all aspects of equipment management.