Here is a reminder of the Rules surrounding the Consolation round (please note #5 regarding the change in the final game this season. There is no Consolation Day due to difficulty obtaining ice):
B-side playoff information:
1.There are no timeouts in any OBMHL games.
2.The teams competing in the B-side playoffs will play a four (4) game round robin with the teams that finished 9th and lower during the regular season.
The regular season standings will be used to determine the seeding.
In the case of a tie in the regular season standings, the first tie-breaker will be most wins and then most wins amongst teams tied. There are further steps in the tie breaking format if necessary as outlined in the OBMHL playing rules and regulations.
3.Each round robin game will be played with an 80 minute curfew clock. Games can end tied. 2 points will be awarded for a win, 1 for a tie, and no points for a loss.
4.At the conclusion of the round robin, the top two teams will play a single game final. If two teams are tied in the round robin standings, the following will be used to break ties:
i.Team with most wins overall;
ii. Team with most wins against other tied teams;
iii. Team with best plus – minus record (goals for – goals against = plus/minus rating) in League play;
iv. Team with best plus – minus record (goals for – goals against = plus/minus rating) in head to head;
v. Team with most goals for;
vi. Team with least goals against;
vii. Teams with the least penalty minutes;
viii. Coin toss by League Convenor.
NOTE: The three team tiebreaker is used to determine the seeding of the three tied teams. If any step in the tiebreaker only seeds one team, that team assumes that position. The three team tiebreaker will continue to determine the seeding of the two remaining teams. At no time will teams using this formula go back to the two-team tiebreaker.
i.If three or more teams are tied, the point record established in the games among the tied teams only will be used as the first tie breaking formula in deciding which team(s) shall advance. This applies only if all of the tied teams have played each other during the Round Robin series.
ii.If still tied, the team with the most wins gains the highest position.
iii.If still tied, the team with the best goal average gains the highest position. The goal average of a team is determined as follows: divide the total number of goals for by the combined total goals for and against. The team with the highest percentage takes the highest position. Example: Goals for 10; goals against 4; 10 divided by 14 = 71.4%
iv. If still tied, the team with the fewest goals against (all round robin games played) will gain the highest position.
v. If still tied, the team with the most goals for (all round robin games played) will gain the highest position.
vi. If still tied, a coin toss shall determine the winner. In a three-team coin toss, the odd team gains the highest position.
5.The final game will be hosted by the team finishing first in the round robin. The costs associated with this game will be shared by the two teams/associations.
6.It is the responsibility of the home team in each game to ensure that referees and timekeepers have been booked.