The Police Records Check (PRC) Process
In accordance with Hockey Canada, a Police Record Check is required to volunteer as roles within the Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey Association which serves the vulnerable sector.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
the Risk and Safety Director at riskandsafety@ottawasting.com.
If you are a volunteer with a Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey Association team, the PRC process is the following:
1) Check to see if you have a current Police Records Check. We accept PRC's that are up to 3 years of age.
2) If you do not have one, or have an expired one, the Risk and Safety Director will issue that person a personalized letter they can take to the police department with a filled out Ottawa Police Records Check Form (can be found on our site or the Ottawa Police).
3) Bring both forms to the Police Department.
4) Ensure you get a receipt from the Officer when you submit the forms.
5) Scan/Email or hand me the receipt as proof it is being processed. Checks can take up to 2 months to process.
6) Scan/Email or hand me the processed police check when you receive it in the mail.
If the Risk and Safety Director does not get these by mid-December, all those who do not have a PRC will be removed from the official team roster, and the head coach may face consequences. Also, anyone who decides to get one done on their own without our Sting letter, will not be reimbursed the cost of the PRC.
Re-iterating that anyone dealing with the kids needs one, including on ice helpers.
Thank you for your Cooperation